Bon Appétit: Tips from Butcher John McFadden, Jr.

Andrew Knowlton for Bon Appétit interviews John McFadden, Jr., butcher, Staubitz Market — discussing topics such as aging, affordable cuts, fads and more.

article excerpt:

His family has owned Staubitz Market in the Cobble Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn for more than 40 years. He still works side by side with his father, who first taught him the fine art of butchery at the age of 12. Here, he shares some tricks of the trade.

What is a great, affordable cut of meat?
The Prime tri-tip. We call it the poor man's rib steak. It's rich, well marbled, and tender.

Any tips for choosing a steak?
Look for the grade Prime first; if it's not available, look for grade Choice. Then focus on the marbling and color. Bright red coloring tells you that it has not been sitting around too long. The finer the marbling, the better.

How long can you freeze meat?
Securely packaged meat will last up to six months. Wrap it in good-quality wax-lined freezer paper and then put it in a plastic bag. Try to remove as much air as possible; alternatively, see if your butcher will vacuum-seal it.

John McFadden